Healthy Babies Equity Act offers comprehensive care for pregnant people in Maryland.
Good news for pregnant people! Starting July 1, 2023, pregnant people can enroll in Medicaid and access free medical care services to ensure a healthy pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
If you are in Maryland and think you might be pregnant, get the care you and your baby need immediately. Sign up for Medicaid.
Medicaid offers medical assistance to people who cannot afford it. People living in Maryland may keep Medicaid up to four months after their baby is born.
Who Can Get Medicaid?
You must meet these requirements:
Be pregnant
Live in Maryland
Meet income limits
The best way to know if you can get Medicaid is to apply. Apply!
What About Unpaid Medical Bills Before Medicaid?
Medicaid may help pay for pregnant people health care in the three months before they applied.
What Health Care can you Receive?
Medicaid will pay for :
Doctor visit
Dental Care
Prescription drugs
Behavioral Health care
Hospital care
Lab work and tests
Mental health care
Transportation services
How Can I Apply For Services?
Speak with CASA Community Resource Navigator by calling the bilingual health hotline.