From policy makers to law enforcement, from our farms to our faith communities, there is a consensus that roads and communities are safer when everyone behind the wheel has a license, insurance, and identification.
Driver's licenses for all will revolutionize Georgia because:
They provide safety to all drivers in Georgia by ensuring that all drivers have passed the driving examination and are licensed to drive, regardless of immigration status
They protect the privacy of all residents of Georgia who have driver licenses
They stimulate the economy in Georgia by expanding drivers eligible to purchase car insurance
They provide valid identification to everyone
They allow all drivers to have proof of insurance and registration
They allow all drivers to have proof of insurance and registration
They enhance knowledge of the rules & responsibilities of the road for every driver
Without driver's licenses, immigrants have:
Taken work with less pay or fewer hours
Had to give up educational opportunities, a better school or a scholarship
Feared losing a parent from driving without a license
Had difficulty renting an apartment/house
Eighteen states (Maryland, Illinois, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, California, Oregon, Delaware, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, and in 2023 Minnesota) as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia already allow their residents to obtain driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status. Allowing people to obtain a license despite their immigration status, has been proven effective in other states! If other states can do it, so can Georgia.