This April 1st
Can we count on you?
Yes, count me in!
Learn more about the census
#DéjateContar / #MakeItCount
Your participation in the census is confidential.
The U.S. Census Bureau is obligated by law to protect and maintain your response strictly confidential. It cannot and should not be shared with anyone else.
Where in the law does it state this?
When participating in the Census, no one has the right to ask you about your immigration status.
Remember, the information that you provide is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone, not government agencies, businesses, tenants, nor employers. It’s 100% safe!
#SiTeCuentanCuentas / #CountMeIn
Filling out the Census is important because by filling it out with the information of everyone in your household you can…
Determine how millions of dollars in federal funds are distributed among states and communities every year.
Determine the number of representatives in Congress your state gets.
Shape health clinics, fire stations, schools, roads, public transportation, and other aspects of your community.
#CuentenConmigo / #ImIn2020Census
I’m in! How do I participate?
Fill out this formso that we can be in contact as a resource for any questions you may have about the Census such as what kind of questions are on it, how to fill it out, and what to answer.
In mid-March, homes all across the country will begin receiving an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. Once you’ve received this, you can respond over the phone, online, or by mail.
Who do I include as a part of my household?
Everyone who lives and sleeps in your home. Minors included! Anyone born before or after April 1, 2020 regularly residing in your home counts – regardless if they’re family, friends, etc.
April 1 is Census Day because April 1 is the day that everyone counted in responses will be listed.
Important Dates
March 12-20
You will receive an invitation via mail from the U.S. Census Bureau. This letter will inform you of how you can respond via phone, online, or by email.
April 1
Census Day
Censists will visit university campuses, military bases, retirement communities, hospitals, and other people living in similar group communities.
May – July
Non-response follow-up will take place. Censists will visit homes of those that have not responded to the Census.
If you don’t participate, the U.S. Census Bureau will send a censist to your home to collect your information.
What can they ask?
What can they NOT ask?
- How many people live in your home?
- What kind of home do you live in? (apartment, single-family home, mobile home, etc.)
- What is your phone number?
- What is your age/date of birth?
- What is your origin and race?
- For your Social Security number.
- For money or donations.
- Anything on behalf of a political party.
- Anything bank or credit card information.
- Anything about your immigration status.