Vote by Mail
Steps to Vote by Mail

How can I turn in my Ballot?

By mail (no postage required). Must be sealed and signed. As long as the post office receives it and stamps it with the NOV 3 date, the ballot will be counted, even if they receive it after Nov 3rd.
The Court now permits mail-in and absentee ballots that are placed in the mail with the United States Postal Service and are postmarked by Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. and received by the Elections Office by Friday, Nov. 5, 2020, at 5 p.m. to be counted and tabulated.
Drop it off at an early vote center:
Drop it off on Nov 3rd by 8pm. As long as they are in line to drop off their ballot by 8pm, they will be allowed to submit their ballot.
Bring the mail-in ballot to your polling location on election day (WITH both envelopes) to vote in person instead, or if they did not receive their mail-in ballot, they will be allowed to vote by provisional ballot.
Caravanas events
Election day watch party

What do I need to vote on Election Day?

If you are a 1st time voter, you will need to bring an ID to verify their identity, you are not required to bring their voter registration card but they can do so, however they will still need to present an ID.
Here is a link to resources that provides all information a 1st time voter will need.
1st time voters will need to present an ID, it can be a photo ID or non-photo ID. Here is a link to the acceptable types of IDs to verify their identity.
If they are a returning voter, they do not necessarily have to bring an ID, however it is recommended to bring one or their voter registration card, just in case they request it or do not have you on file for whatever reason. It is usually not necessary, however with this election anything can happen and we want people to be prepared.
What if I signed up to Vote by Mail but I didn’t get it by Election Day?

If someone did not receive their mail-in ballot in time for election day, they are able to vote in person at their polling location. However, they will need to cast a provisional ballot and the BOE will need to verify that they did not indeed submit a mail-in ballot and did not vote twice. Once confirmed, their provisional ballot will be counted.
What if I change my mind and want to Vote in Person on Election Day even though I signed up to Vote by Mail?

Totally possible! You will need to bring their entire mail-in ballot (including all envelopes) to their polling location to surrender and will be required to sign a form stating that you did not vote already/vote my mail, the BOE will destroy that mail-in ballot and allow you to vote in person like normal. If they do not bring their mail-in ballot to surrender, they will be required to vote by provisional ballot, which means their vote will be counted after the BOE confirms they did not receive a mail-in ballot already for that person.
Voter Protection
Board of Elections & Secure Dropbox VBM Info
Return your ballot as early as possible. We must receive your ballot by November 3 at 8 pm or, if mailed, postmarked by 8 p.m. Election Day.
Mark your ballot
Verify your selections carefully.
Pack and seal it
Put your ballot in the “Official Election Ballot” envelope and seal it.
Put the “Official Election Ballot” envelope in the larger ballot-return envelope and seal it.
Sign and date it
Fill in the Voter’s Declaration on the back of the ballot-return envelope and be sure to sign and date it.
Return it
By mail—No postage necessary. Must be postmarked by Election Day, 8pm.
In person—Drop your ballot off at the County Board of Elections no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Remember: If you plan to deliver your ballot in person, you must deliver it yourself. You cannot return someone else’s voted ballot, even if it is for a spouse or family member.
Additional Specific Information for Counties Ballot Drop-Off Locations:
York County

BOE office location: Administrative Center 28 E. Market St. York, PA 17401 (717) 771-9604
Website to check polling location in York:
VBM Secure Dropbox locations:
The only secure drop-box is in the lobby of the Elections Department. The Elections Department is open to the public. You can drop off your completed applications, registrations or changes to your registration at that location. Mail-in ballots can be delivered to the secure drop box as follows:
- Oct. 1 to Nov. 2nd: The drop box will be located in the lobby of the Administrative Center from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the York County Administrative Center, 28 E. Market St., York, PA 17401
- Sunday, Nov. 1, from 1 to 4 p.m.
- Election Day, Nov. 3, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Harrisburg, Dauphin County

BOE office location: 2 S. 2nd St. P.O. Box 1295 Harrisburg, PA 17108-1295 (717) 780-6360
VBM secure drop-box locations:
Dauphin County Administration Building
2 South 2nd Street (first floor), Harrisburg, PA Phone: 717-780-6360
Hours: Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Starting October 6, open until 8 p.m.)
Northern Dauphin Human Services Center
295 State Drive, Elizabethville, PA Phone: 717-905-2700
Hours: Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., starting October 6
*For picking up and dropping off voter registration and ballot applications and returning completed ballots
Lancaster County

BOE office location: 150 N. Queen St. Suite 117 Lancaster, PA 17603 717-299-8293
Link to FAQs regarding Mail-in ballots:
VBM secure drop-box locations:
You may bring ballots to the Election Office on 150 N. Queen Street, Suite 117 in Lancaster, 17603.
There will also be a ballot collection box in the Chestnut Street entrance lobby, right before the security station. The lobby will be open during the county business hours of 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
EXTENDED HOURS for VBM drop-box until 8:00 P.M. will be in effect on:
- Wednesday, October 28th; Thursday, October 29th; Monday, November 2nd.
- On Saturday, October 31st, the lobby will be open from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.
- On Election Day, November 3rd, the Lobby and the Election Office will be open from 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.
Norristown, Montgomery County

BOE office location: Montgomery County Voter Services
Click here to view a flyer with all the secure drop-box locations:
One Montgomery Plaza 425 Swede St. Suite 602 Norristown, PA 19401 610-278-3275
2020 General Election Secure Ballot Drop Box Locations and Hours of Operation All secure drop-off boxes are available during the following days and times:
October 3 through October 30:
- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Saturdays and Sundays: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
October 31 and November 1: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
November 2 and 3: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. At these locations listed below and in the pdf link above.
- Cheltenham Wall Park 1 Wallpark Drive, Elkins Park, PA 19027
- Conshohocken 225 Washington Street, Conshohocken, PA 19428
- Lansdale Church Road Parking Lot 226 Station Square Blvd., Lansdale, PA 19446
- Lower Merion Laudington Library 5 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
- Norristown Montgomery County Airy Street Parking Lot Corner of Airy and DeKalb Streets., Norristown, PA 19401
- Pottstown Montgomery County Community College, West Campus – Hanover Street Building 101 College Drive-South Hall, Pottstown, PA 19464
- Royersford Royersford Borough Parking Lot #1A (behind Borough Hall) 300 Main St., Royersford, PA 19468
- Skippack Skippack Municipal Building 4089 Heckler Road, Skippack, PA 19474
- Upper Dublin Upper Dublin Municipal Building 801 Loch Alsh Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034
- Upper Frederick Green Lane Park 2144 Snyder Road, Green Lane, PA 18054
- Upper Moreland Willow Grove YMCA 3300 Davisville Road, Hatboro, PA 19040
Chester County

BOE office location: Government Services Center
601 Westtown Rd., Ste. 150 PO Box 2747 West Chester, PA 19380 (610) 344-6410
Secure Drop-box locations:
Currently there is one drop-off location at the Chester County Government Services Center (Drop-off is open 24/7).
Link to all drop-box locations:
From Oct 7th – Oct 27th there will be 2 satellite election offices:
Oxford Public Library – 48 S Second Street, Oxford
- Mon & Wed 10:00AM-5:00PM
- Tue & Thur 1:00PM-8:00PM
- Fri 10:00AM-2:00PM
- Sat 9:00AM-1:00PM
Henrietta Hankin Branch – 215 Windgate Drive, Chester Springs
- Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30AM-5:00PM
- Tue & Thur 9:30AM-8:00PM
- Sat 9:00AM-1:00PM
- Sun – CLOSED
Starting Oct 13th they will have 12 additional drop boxes – locations are available here: