FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 21, 2021
Welcome Back Congress: Thousands to March to U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
[September 21st] – Immigrants, allies, and community members from across the country are converging for a march beginning at Benjamin Banneker Park to ICE Headquarters towards the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. on September 21st starting at 12p.m. ET. The march is a part of a nationwide effort to demand Congress ensure a pathway to citizenship stays in the budget reconciliation package, as well as investments in the care economy, and green infrastructure that will help fight climate change are delivered. As members of both the House and Senate come back from August recess it is critical that Congress recognize that investing in citizenship, care and climate justice is necessary. Immigrants, caregivers, and climate change have played and will continue to play a large role in the U.S.’s economic and social recovery. Congress must deliver on their promises and address the issues that disportionately affect communities of color.
The action is a community-led effort, made up of participants from across the country, including folks traveling from WA, CA, OR, NV, AZ, CO, MN, KS, AL, GA, AR, IL, WI, MI, WV, AL, TN, TX, FL, NC, VA, DE, MD, PA, NY, NJ, MA, NH, ME, UT, HI, and DC.
WHAT: Welcome Back Congress – March for Citizenship, Care, and Climate
WHEN: September 21st at 12 PM ET
WHERE: Washington D.C.
12:00 pm at Benjamin Banneker Park (429 L’Enfant Plaza SW)
End Time/Location: 3:30 pm at Grant Memorial/Capitol Reflecting Pool (West Side of the US Capitol Building)
Facebook Event:
WHO: Participating organizations include: CASA, SEIU, Fair Immigration Reform Movement, NAKASEC, Center for Popular Democracy, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Make the Road, Carecen, United Farm Workers Foundation, United We Dream, Faith in Action, New York Immigration Coalition, Community Change Action, People’s Action, Unite Here, Mijente, iAmerica, and 32BJ SEIU
With support from the following campaigns: We Are Home and Real Recovery Now!
With over 115,000 members across the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, CASA is the largest member-based Latino and immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region. Visit us at and follow us on Twitter at @CASAforall.