Prince George’s County residents confront massive rent hikes. Landlords are able to increase rents as much as they want with little warning.

NewsChannel 4 recently featured Laurel tenant Kia Jefferson who received a 20-day notice about an $800 rent increase in her apartment.

Organizing with her neighbors reduced Kia’s rent increase from over 50% to 13%, but even that increase was way too high. And the worst part is: some of the worst increases in the County are being driven by out-of-state investors who have bought up housing complexes.

Tenants deserve to know their housing costs, just like homeowners and landlords have a predictable mortgage expense. And those costs must be reasonable. We cannot leave residents – from seniors to young parents – confronting big rent hikes.

Right now, Prince George’s County Council is considering a temporary bill that would prohibit landlords from raising rents above 3% for a year, and they vote on Tuesday. This gives the County time to understand this issue and adopt a permanent solution.

This is urgent. The national landlord lobby is actively lying about this bill. Please reach out NOW to your councilmember and the County Executive letting them know that you support CB-07 – The Rent Stabilization Act of 2023. Your neighbors need you.

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