LARGO, MD – Facing a rent stabilization law that expires in April, tenants organized by CASA hold a press conference to share their rent hike stories and their demands for a permanent, fair housing law in Prince George’s County. After emergency protections ended in the state of Maryland there was an uptick in Black and brown working-class Prince Georgians receiving outrageous rent increases of anywhere from $100-$800. Devastating increases that left families without a choice but to turn to the county council for a solution. The county council passed a temporary 3% rent cap that went into effect April 2023 until April 2024. As the clock winds down Prince George’s County residents rally to demand a permanent bill that has community input. For more information, visit
Half of all renters in the U.S. were burdened by the cost of their rent in 2022, a report released by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies published recently. The renters rallying this evening are low-income and are part of the renters that spend more than 30 percent of their income on rent and utilities. That Harvard study found that number rose by 2 million in just three years to a record high of 22.4 million. Among these renters, 12.1 million had severe burdens, paying over half of their income for housing, also an all-time high.
Rev. Hargraves continued sharing his story, saying, “Matter of fact they moved me into a smaller unit and charged me more. I am on a fixed income. Where am I supposed to come up with an extra $300 a month? I have been living in the county because I love it. I love the community I have found to retire in. I don’t love that landlords can do whatever they want with us. How can seniors age in place with predatory landlords? How can families spend time together when they have to work more to pay for these rent increases? How can children have parents that are there for each of their milestones when the rent is being exploited? We need rent stabilization for everyone. Young, old, white, black, documented, undocumented, we all deserve to have stable housing. I demand a permanent 3% rent stabilization law for Prince George’s County. We do not want to experience another wave of predatory increases. We need permanent rent stabilization now!”
The law CB-007-2023 was enacted on February 28, 2023. It took effect on April 17, 2023. It will expire on April 16, 2024. Senior housing and student housing units are not exempt from the law. CASA advocates for a permanent rent stabilization law that protects renters from unreasonable rent increases.
Tim in Greenbelt suffered a $300 rent increase in a building with terrible living conditions.
With over 155,000 lifetime members across 46 US states, CASA is a national powerhouse organization building power and improving the quality of life in working-class: Black, Latino/a/e, Afro-descendent, Indigenous, and Immigrant communities. CASA creates change with its powerbuilding model blending human services, community organizing, and advocacy in order to serve the full spectrum of the needs, dreams, and aspirations of members.