Patrick Giuliani, JD
Federal Advocacy AdvocateHe/Him/El
The son of Mexican and Italian immigrants, Patrick Giuliani serves as the federal advocacy advocate with CASA. Born in the US, Patrick spent his youth traveling and living in the USA, Mexico, and Canada. From an early age, he was raised to open up the doorways for those who come after him and create a system that will provide all with a fair and just opportunity to live a dignified life.
He attended Saint Louis University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Sociology, and International Studies. He spent those years providing both legal and social services to migrants in the city of St. Louis, MO, through Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. Louis at St. Francis Community Services. He later attended Notre Dame Law School, and while earning his J.D., he spent his years representing detained migrants in bond hearings with the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project and representing asylum seekers during their immigration proceedings with the National Immigration Justice Center. After graduation, he spent time at the El Paso-Ciudad Juárez border with Hope Border Institute, advocating for a dignified system of reception and working with faith leaders to work towards border policies that center the binational border communities in the conversation.