Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
En este momento, Pensilvania planea convertirse en el undécimo estado en unirse a la Iniciativa Regional de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (RGGI). RGGI es un programa de inversión y tope bipartidista basado en el mercado que requiere que las empresas de servicios públicos compren “asignaciones” para cubrir la contaminación de carbono de sus plantas, lo que las alienta a modernizar sus plantas o encontrar formas más limpias de producir energía. El producto de la compra de los derechos de emisión se puede reinvertir para crear nuevos puestos de trabajo y ayudar a impulsar las economías locales a largo plazo.
RGGI ha sido un gran éxito donde ya está implementado, reduciendo la contaminación climática en un tercio y recaudando casi $ 3 mil millones para invertir en energía limpia y otros propósitos. Un análisis en profundidad para el Departamento de Protección Ambiental (DEP) confirmó que Pensilvania tendría un éxito similar: RGGI conducirá a un aumento neto de más de 27,000 empleos y agregará $ 1.9 mil millones a la economía del estado para 2030.
El inevitable cambio de los combustibles fósiles a las energías limpias ya está ocurriendo. Las ganancias de RGGI se pueden reinvertir para facilitar esa transición y construir una economía de energía limpia para el futuro. No debemos perder la oportunidad de limpiar nuestro medio ambiente mientras creamos miles de trabajos duraderos que sustentan a la familia.
Right now, Pennsylvania is planning to become the 11th state to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is a bipartisan market-based cap and invest program that requires utilities to buy “allowances” to cover their plants’ carbon pollution, which encourages them to modernize their plants or find cleaner ways to produce energy. The proceeds from the purchase of the allowances can then be re-invested to create new jobs and help boost local economies over the long-term.
RGGI has been a big success where it is already in place, cutting climate pollution by a third and raising nearly $3 billion to invest in clean energy and other purposes. An in-depth analysis for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) confirmed that Pennsylvania would see similar success: RGGI will lead to a net increase of more than 27,000 jobs and add $1.9 billion to the state’s economy by 2030.
The inevitable shift from fossil fuels to clean energy is already happening. RGGI proceeds can be reinvested to ease that transition and to build a clean energy economy for the future. We should not miss out on the opportunity to clean up our environment while creating thousands of durable, family-sustaining jobs.
¿Sigue confundido? ¡Mira este video que explica por qué RGGI es tan importante!
Still confused? Check out this video that breaks down why RGGI is so important!
Video Translation:
Climate change threatens everyone’s health and safety. But some communities have suffered more than their share of pollution and will suffer more from the impact of climate change in the future. We now have a chance to take action. Pennsylvania is considering joining a program called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, also known as “‘RGGI.” Under this program, the state would put a limit on the amount of carbon pollution coming out of power plants.
Pennsylvania is one of the 5 worst states in the country when it comes to harmful carbon emissions. The money they pay can be used to create clean and efficient energy projects. It can also help families and small businesses including those in your community tackle money on electronic expenses.
We have the power, duty, and right to protect the quality of the air we breathe. States with (RGGI) have cut their pollution in half. With your support, Pennsylvania Can Join Those States (RGGI) is good for everyone because it is part of a transition to a stronger economy, cleaner communities and healthier families.