Any person going before an immigration judge deserves a fair day in court. Unfortunately, immigrants’ rights in immigration courts are under constant attack, making it almost impossible for justice to occur within the immigration court system.
Over time, and especially under the Trump administration, there has been an erosion of due process through a flurry of memorandum and policies that strip justice away from immigrants who have sought a better life, protection, and refuge in this country. “Rocket dockets” and other policies meant to rush immigrants through the court system have made legitimate cases for relief much more difficult to win. The hiring of immigration judges has been extraordinarily politicized — and even the US Department of Justice has turned to a body for enacting anti-immigrant policies, overturning established case law, and eliminating the collective bargaining rights for immigration judges.
Immigrants suffering the inhumane conditions of ICE detention centers across the country suffer for longer and risk deportation, even if they have a legitimate case, as detained immigrants facing deportation do not have a right to legal representation.
CASA has fought to address the disparities plaguing our immigration courts and continues to fight for policies that bring fairness, dignity, respect, and justice to immigrant families.