Police Reform Priorities

A member of the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Police Accountability (MCJPA), CASA supports rebuilding trust between police and communities of color, including:

Reforming Maryland Public Information Act

Prohibiting Use of Force

Repealing the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBR)

Garnering Local Control of the Baltimore City Police Department

Taking Law Enforcement out of Schools

Reforming Maryland Public Information Act – Allow investigation into all police misconduct to be disclosed under the MPIA.

Prohibiting Use of Force – Create statutory limits on the use of force by law enforcement prohibit use of force unless it is necessary (not merely reasonable), with both criminal penalties and the power for civil enforcement.

Repealing the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBR) – Strike the entire LEOBR from state law. 

Garnering Local Control of the Baltimore City Police Department – Make the Baltimore City Police Department an agency of the City of Baltimore.

Taking Law Enforcement out of Schools – Require and support school districts to shift away from reliance on SROs and towards effective behavior support intervention strategies.