Media Advisory: May 26, 12:00 PM ET
Immigrants rally at White House to demand a pathway to citizenship
WASHINGTON, DC — Immigrant advocacy groups, directly impacted community members, and allies rally at the White House to demand that the Biden-Harris Administration take action on citizenship for all. The Biden-Harris administration has yet to publicly commit to including a path to citizenship for any group of immigrants in the American Families Plan. Directly impacted TPS holders, DACA holders, immigrant essential workers, and undocumented individuals will share their stories in a speaking program, as participants call for citizenship for all 11 million.
Immigrant activists and community members continue to sound the alarms for immigrant inclusion in recovery packages: any path to economic recovery must include a path to citizenship for immigrant essential workers, TPS Holders, and DACA holders. The push for immigrant inclusion — a path to citizenship for undocumented youth, TPS/DED holders, essential workers, and farmworkers — in the Build Back Better economic package via reconciliation continues.
WHAT: Rally with speaking program of affected immigrants
WHEN: May 26, 2021 – 12:00 PM ET
WHERE: The event will take place at Pennsylvania Avenue NW, the Southside of Lafayette Square Park, facing the White House. Use address 1570 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
(The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500)
WHO: Directly impacted immigrant essential workers, TPS holders, DACA holders and participating organizations CASA and NAKASEC
RSVP: For more information on the actions, please contact Jenna DeFosse
VISUALS: Cameras can gather shots of protestors with the White House in the background. Other visuals: signs of individual letters that spell out “Immigrants Are Essential,” homemade signs and banners that say “Citizenship For All,” matching t-shirts, and chants.
MORE: The White House is preparing budget instructions to guide congressional leadership in implementing the administration’s priorities while Congress prepares to take up President Biden’s recovery plan. It is imperative that Congress hears from the White House that a path to citizenship is a priority in the budget reconciliation package, and that it be included in the budget instructions. Essential workers, TPS, and DACA holders will rally to demand inclusion and urge the administration to meet this moment with bold instructions to Congress that recognizes the work of immigrant essential workers.
With over 100,000 members across the states of Maryland, Virginia, and South Central Pennsylvania, CASA is the largest member-based Latino and immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region. Visit us at and follow us on Twitter at @CASAforall