FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Lizette Olmos, [email protected], 240-706-2624  

Ingrid Zelaya, [email protected], 240-505-1062

CASA Executive Director, Gustavo Torres issued the following statement Congratulating the House and Senate for Passing FF$15

“We thank the leadership of the Maryland House of Delegates and the Senate in passing FF$15 which will benefit many of our Maryland residents. The minimum wage bill will help many working families and reinforce the economic growth and development of the state. It is now Maryland Governor Larry Hogan’s turn to do the right thing and sign the bill.”



CASA is the largest member-based Latino and immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region. We are a national leader in building power and improving the quality of life in low-income and immigrant communities. Our vision is for a future in which diverse and thriving communities live free from discrimination and fear, and work together with mutual respect to achieve full human rights for all. Over its 30-year history CASA has established itself as a strong national leader in innovations for Latino and immigrant-focused services, and backbone organization for collective impact involving community-based, government and private partners.