For immediate release: 11 September 2023

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Cameroonians Rallied for The Redesignation of Temporary Protected Status 

TPS redesignation and extension would protect approximately 21000 Cameroonians from a return to life-threatening conditions

WASHINGTON, DC – Outside the White House, more than 100 immigrant activists urged the Biden administration to offer Cameroonians protection from deportation through the redesignation and extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS).

With the worsening of the country’s conditions and the unwavering inhuman treatment of civilians, the groups pointed to the need for the Biden-Harris administration to take immediate action and offer protection for this group of approximately 60,000 Black immigrants. 

“I am here today to urge President Biden to extend and redesignate TPS for Cameroon! My family came under attack. I was arrested and detained for days and was on the way to being killed by the Cameroon military. TPS for Cameroon came at a life and death timing for me and my family, like many Cameroonians fighting to stay alive. But TPS for Cameroon expires very soon. And an expiration date on TPS means a death sentence for me, ”said  Denis Telemacus, a CASA member and Cameroonian in Prince George County, Maryland, “ I ask the Biden administration what will become of my family? Please protect Black immigrants and extend and redesignate Temporary Protective Status for all Cameroonians!”

Together, Cameroonian activists, the Cameroon Advocacy Network, CASA, and others called for #TPS4Cameroon’s immediate redesignation as the lives and future of several Cameroonians are at stake.

“If TPS for Cameroon is not redesignated, many Cameroonians like myself will be deported. In the past years, many Cameroonians deported ended up missing at the airport. They are arrested and killed or detained in maximum security prisons for life,” said Zencha Eric, a CASA member and Cameroonian from Virginia. “I and many Cameroonians that arrived after the designation date live in the shadows – with an uncertain future.” 

This rally comes on the heels of last month’s Week of Action and campaign launch. “Cameroonian community members are individuals with families, friends, and deep personal connections in the United States,” said Daniel Tse, Founder of the Cameroon Advocacy Network, “They are also tremendous leaders and heroes who have survived unspeakable harm and trauma, both in their home country and on their journey to find protection in the U.S. It is only right for the Biden administration to take action and protect this community.” 
